Esmée Russell

Voice and Campaigns Manager, GirlGuiding

London, UK
Cohort: Common Purpose, London, 2017

Esmée Russell is the voice and campaigns manager at GirlGuiding UK, where she supports members to create their own social action and leads on creating moments where everyone in the organization can come together to campaign for change. She’s also a professional coach who works with change makers, supporting them to create their own change in the world. Esmee has more than 15 years in the nonprofit sector and has worked for a number of national organizations such as Mencap and Age UK where she provided a platform for individuals to campaign for better support during hospital mealtimes and for schools to do more to tackle the bullying of children with a learning disability. She’s also worked internationally to reduce the inhumane killing of dogs in response to rabies and led a collation of civil society organizations to help tackle the water and sanitation crisis. Esmée has a strong passion for holding open and honest conversation and creating space and supporting those who want to make a change in this world.